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How can Zeekler and ZeekRewards Earn money

If you are a skeptic much like me then you may be wondering how do Zeekler and ZeekRewards makes anything? In the following paragraphs I'll explain to you how the company makes money and why they're prepared to share their profits along with you to make it a WIN-WIN situation for everybody.

Hint: Penny Auctions are wonderful money spinners and Zeekler really wants to become the best and also the most popular Penny Auction Site on the internet! To do this they require entrepreneurs as if you and me to promote their business design.

So how exactly does Zeekler and ZeekRewards make money? The company has four streams of income:

   Selling of things on the auction website including penny auctions.
   Affiliate membership fees.
   Selling/using of Bid Packs.
   FSC Stores.

(1) They offer stuff (items!) and the buyers purchase that. Please read below why penny auctions are profitable.

(2) Another obvious income source. Upgraded members pay a fee every month.

500 free zeekler penny auction bids

(3) This one might look obvious but there's a bit more to it than just selling Bid Packs.

(4) FSCStores have been in existence for a long time with countless members all over the world and are on offer to ZeeklerRewards members to supplement benefit. Although I don't have access to the financial statements Penny Auctions are certainly the largest source of income.

What is a Penny Auction? On traditional sites like eBay you can place bids for free. However penny auctions have a price to be bid on. For each bid you set, you need to pay some money. Also, you can't place any bid amount that you would like. You are able to only place an offer that will boost the price of the product by 1 cent typically (in some cases, it can be 2 cents as well). Penny auction websites make money is as simple as selling the individual bids. The price of each penny bids varies depending on the penny auction. At the bids can cost from 65 cents to $1.0. In case your bid is unsuccessful you lose the bid money. If however successful you can buy an item well below its market price at time more than 90% discount.

How do Penny Sites make money? To find out how penny auctions can give away such deals like a camera for $10 or Macbook for $50, let's perform a small math problem: Suppose in an auction where the Macbook was handed away for $50, which isn't typical only one of the lowest prices of a Macbook. You may think that is a good deal, but let's look at the auction in greater detail. For the Macbook to market at $50, there would have been 5000 bids because each bid increases the price by 1 cent. When 5000 bids are put, it cost a total of 5000X$0.60 = $3000. The typical price of the product might be around $1000, so that continues to be an awesome $2000 profit for that penny auction. So the site still makes money even by giving away Macbooks for $50! Usually a Macbook auction might increase.

IMPORTANT: to keep your bids at for $0.65 per bid but you will Not need to achieve that! If you purchase the a little more expensive bids at you get an equal amount to your purchase deposited in the retail profit sharing pool in which you start making large number on money each and every day since the clients are willing to share 5% of their profit with you. And as you know by now which will enable you to get back a profit of 0.5% to 2.0% each day on the amount os VIP bids that you have purchased.

Why Zeekler and ZeekRewards pay their affiliates Zeekler really wants to become the most popular and number one Penny Auction on the web within the shortest time period. Basically this can be a product driven company with revenue sharing. The philosophy is straightforward; instead of spending truck lots of cash on advertising / Google rankings and more, they reward their affiliates, that is us, to promote and spreading the word. All you have to caused by qualify for your be part of the daily revenue is placing 1 ad each day. They even provide you with the ads and places to publish. That's under 5 minutes work a day. And wait until you see the rewards! Obviously they would like to expand and reach as numerous internet users as possible. Therefore they want you to definitely share their great opportunity with other people. So in addition to the revenue sharing you receive for advertising they also reward you for sponsoring others. That's optional of course but if you do it could boost your income enormously!

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